Steve Roy, founder of Steve Roy Metal Restoration LLC, has been working with metal as a fabricator and restorer for almost fifty years. He started at the Tallix Foundry in 1974 where he learned bronze pouring, metal finishing, and patination methods. Subsequently, Steve ran his own foundry for over twenty-five years before moving to full-time restoration.

Image: Left-Handed Drummer (2015)

Steve is appreciated by museum conservators for his extensive knowledge of metals. He has taught bronze pouring, casting and patination methods, and spearheaded large sculpture installations and casting projects throughout the United States, Europe, and Asia.

Image: Old Foundry (2015)

Steve can quickly assess fabrication issues and develop treatment strategies for complicated installations. Because of his extensive experience and rigorous work ethic, Steve has been called upon to work on some of the most important collections in the United States such as the National Gallery of Art and the Getty as well as blue chip galleries, private collections, historic monuments, and installations.

In addition, he has collaborated with renowned artists such as Roy Lichenstein, Jeff Koons, Tony Craigg, Walker Hancock, Claus Oldenburg, and Nancy Graves to name a few.  

Image: The Allegory of Vice